Category: FreeCAD

Meet the FreeCAD

FreeCAD is an open-source 3D CAD modeler, which is not only free as its name suggests, but also lightweight and flexible alternative to commercial software.

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Scared of Open-source?

If you think about open-source solutions that they are useless, because they are still undeveloped, difficult to use, unstable, with no support and so on… well, in some cases you might be right, but why not to give it a shot if they can offer free use, ability to modify the code, plenty of plugins and vivid forums full of really clever people.

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Parametric or Artistic 3D Modelling?

Which one of these do you prefer? Honest answer to this question may even kind of reflect your personality, as it is the subconscious choice we make, when we think of different objects. On the other hand, a rational answer will come after thorough consideration of possible application of these approaches in our everyday life. Ask yourself!

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