It was 6th of January when I got an offer to take part in the team running relay race – Tatras to Danube 2015. At that time I found it as a great idea, I had been running the whole winter and I could not wait for some race to come, where I could test my performance. So I accepted the offer in euphoria despite the fact that I had not know anybody from the team. Those who know me being a whole grain introvert would definitely be able to imagine what euphoria it had to be. :D
Right after the first meeting of forming RunningTeamZV, It was clear to me that I have the honour to be a teammate of superb running enthusiast crew. Not those, who do not look to the left or to the right, but enthusiast in a true word meaning, who really enjoy running and everything associated with it. I have found this atmosphere charming and it has strengthened me before next tens to hundreds kilometres. As I have absolved most of preparation runs alone, off the team location, the more I have enjoyed those few running sessions we spent together, which have assured me that Tatras to Danube would be truly fun.
And this was the case! I have already taken part in several different types of races – from 200 m flat water racing sprints to its marathons, big Biela Stopa (approx. 48 km nordic skiing race), biathlon races, several different running races — but this was different. This was a two-days-long team race, so I could not afford to spoil it or not to finish my stage, and maybe that is also why I had the well known pre-start nervousness. My second doubt was my knee, because of which I had had to skip the preparation for a month in July. Fortunately, the knee supported me (I would like to use this moment to say ‘thank you’ to my knee :D ), actually the more I run since July, the better I feel about it.
So there was nothing standing in my way to perform at my maximum, even if I have to say that I had respect before each stage. Before the first one mainly because I witnessed admirable performance in brutal storm – hats off to you guys. Probably everyone who had not got experience with night running showed at least small respect before the night stage, and I had good terrain in my stage, so that was for me one thing less to worry about. This is the time to thank accompanying cyclists, that was really helpful, the runner could focus more on the run itself then. And before the third stage, I guess everybody could have felt the kilometres in his legs, not so good food supply, few hours of sleep — if any, plus the grilling weather. It was for sure difficult to estimate how much energy was left for the last run. Maybe that is why I turned on autopilot mode as early as after third kilometer and tried to focus only on moving my legs in the right direction. But of course all of us managed it exclusively with total time below 30 hours — proper Happy End. :)
The race was organised very well when we take into account that it was necessary to prepare 345 km long track almost across the half of Slovakia. If there was no storm I have already mentioned, everything would have gone smoothly, but we cannot pick the weather. Nevertheless, we can say that majority of time conditions for a run were all right. Atmosphere in our team was excellent, among other teams was friendly and supportive mood as well, what only improved overall impression from the race. From the point of view of hygiene and food, teams had to rely more or less on themselves all the time, but maybe this will improve with the increasing popularity of the race, so I do not count it as a big disadvantage. One cannot have everything immediately.
It was fascinating to see some of local inhabitants in villages we were crossing, how they were tirelessly supporting every runner passing by, they were even offering some refreshment. This is the irreplaceable spirit of such race, thanks to which you can moreover discover significant part of the Slovakia, too. Anyway, the feeling when you are about to cross the finish line of your stage and you are loudly supported by your teammates, that is just priceless. You will realise at that moment that you did your best not only for you, but for the whole team, which was at each kilometer on track with you. :)
I would like to thank everybody from the team that I could take part in such event and fully enjoy it. Especially those, who ran, drive and also organised everything at the same time – respect, we just would not be there without you. Aaand worldwide peace. :D
I believe that we will run a lot more together RunningTeamZV, and by that I mean also the part of our team, which is not from Zvolen!!! :)
P.S.: Those, who run and have not experienced such race yet, do not hesitate and try it! You will not regret and you will even find the exhaustion during following days after the run to be a pleasant memory of the race. And those, who do not run, you better start! Just for such experience it is worth it. You have one year to prepare for Tatras to Danube 2016, we will definitely be there on the start. And if you need help with preparation, just let us know, we will be happy to help! :)
Categories: Run
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